Wednesday, October 19, 2011

10/19/11: Great News!

I can finally confirm the news that I hinted at on my last post: my diagnosis has switched from intimal sarcoma to Hodgkin's lymphoma! This is a miraculous development as Hodgkin's lymphoma has one of the best prognosis's of any cancer, upward towards a 90% survival rate. This is incredible news brought on by my mother's insistence of a second opinion, which we received from the City of Hope last Thursday (10/13) by Dr. Warren Chou and their team of excellent pathologists.

My doctor at the treatment center had UCLA look over my case and slides again to confirm, and they agreed with the new diagnosis, given my unexpected progress. Consequently, I have been taken off the Picasso study in lieu of a new treatment plan; interestingly enough, the main drug that I was given in the study is also the dominant drug in my new plan, which explains ~30% reduction in size about a month ago. Typically it lasts for six cycles, but since I've had chemotherapy prior to this with the same drug, I'll most likely do three to four, plus an extra two after the tumor is gone. I've also been recommended for radiation after the chemotherapy because of the size of my tumor, but we'll cross the bridge when we come to it.

The new treatment plan is a one day injection (including a 24 hour administration) every two weeks, and this counts as one cycle. It's four drugs that go by the acronym ABVD, which is common treatment for Hodgkin's lymphoma. This Monday (10/17) I started my first round with the new treatment and I'm currently weathering the storm of side effects (not too bad right now, but I definitely do notice a difference). It could be that I haven't had treatment in nearly four weeks due to a repeated low white blood count as well.

I feel this news is bringing my journey full circle, as the very first thing a doctor said to me when I walked into the emergency room that fateful day of June 23rd, 2011 was that, based on the cursory x-ray, that it looked like classic Hodgkin's lymphoma. In between then and now there have been devastating ups and downs, but with my amazing support system of loving friends and family I've been able to keep afloat the majority of the chaos, and for that I am eternally grateful.

Also, I'd like to give special love and thanks to my mom, because, once again, she had the early intuition that has probably saved my life.

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