Wednesday, July 6, 2011

07/06/11: Re-Admitted.

Yesterday morning (07/05/11), after a tumultuous night's sleep, my mom took my temperature at home and it was around 102 degrees. My doctor upon discharge had made it clear that a high fever would be a significant reason to be re-admitted, so we arrived at the UCLA Santa Monica Medical Center (same hospital as before) ER at around 12:40 P.M. and I was admitted back into the hospital around 8:00 P.M. In that time they administered an antibiotic to fight possible pneumonia infection, as my cough had worsened and the sputum had become discolored.

The cough raised my own concern (as it became extremely painful, tiring, and made breathing difficult) so I requested to be put back on the hospital's cough suppressant (benzonatate). Heart rate was also high during the several vital checks so they ordered a EKG that confirmed the elevated heart rate, which was around 110. Ended the night with a slight fever in which they just gave me tylenol to lower the temperature. Slept well, for the most part.

Today (07/06) I got news that pathology results are still not in from the second biopsy. They also did another CT Scan of my abdomen to check for pneumonia as well as to monitor the growth, to see if there have been changes. They had planned on removing fluid near my lungs to check for possible infection, but a quick ultrasound ruled it out as there was not enough fluid that was worth the risk of doing the procedure.

I was hit with a wave of nausea after getting about 3/4ths through my breakfast and it has thankfully not returned, even as I ate lunch. Cough is still present but nearly as frequent or bad.

Expected pathology results are still scheduled to be ready by Friday (07/08) and that's when things will really start moving. Until then, I appreciate all the wonderful visitors and continued support from all of you! (if you'd like to visit, just contact my mom or me for the room number. I didn't post it here because being in a hospital it is subject to change.)

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